Check out the featured post and read more here: https://www.ibelieve.com/relationships/3-tips-for-your-first-month-of-marriage.html
About a month ago, Ben and I got married under the bliss of sheltered trees and blazing sun. The day was magical and whimsical, the things they talk about in movies. But in the blink of an eye, almost an entire month has already passed and I’m in awe. One, at how quickly the time has passed, and two, what the Lord is teaching me through this process.
In a humble attempt, I’d like to say that’s still clear I’m no expert on marriage or how my marriage in particular will turn out. I only know what I’ve lived for the last thirty days. That’s my experience, just as your own experience would be particular to you. But to those of you who just tied the knot like me, I want you to know three tips that I’ve found valuable over the last few weeks. In hopes that maybe they’ll help you, and in hopes that they will continue to grow and prosper within me.
1. Communication Is Everything
When Ben and I first started dating many years ago, my Grandma Memo always told me “Communication is everything.” Glancing between her and my Papa, I knew she was right. They’d married as High School sweethearts, and if anyone could make it to 84 and look as young and hip as them, I’d better start taking my lessons now.
Growing up, my mom’s grandparents were my second set of parents. And though I’ve moved out and now live on my own, I still consider them with that high esteem. Not only do they exude wisdom and honor, but they truly illustrate the love, knowledge, experience, and faithfulness that Scripture writes about in Proverbs 16:31.
“Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained by living a godly life”
(Proverbs 16:31, New Living Translation).