A Lesson From Jesus in the Wilderness

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I’d heard the story a hundred times. Jesus received the Holy Spirit and was then sent into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan. For 40 days and nights, He was without food. Hungry, famished, and a bit exhausted, I’m sure, Jesus was asked three pivotal and life-changing questions.

“If you’re the Son of God…”

“If you’re the Son of God…”

“If you’re the Son of God…”

In three repetitive accusations, Satan tells Jesus to “tell these stones to become bread” (Matthew 4:3, NIV), “throw yourself down” (Matthew 4:6, NIV), and “bow down and worship me” (Matthew 4:9, NIV). It’s interesting that when Satan attacked Jesus with these questions, he started with Christ’s identity. I can’t help but wonder if he does the same with us.

If Satan can attack our identity, that is, who we are and who we believe we are, how much deeper are the wounds and casualties we suffer? This reveals that knowing our identity is in Christ is not enough. We must also know and believe in the power of His Word. How do I know this?

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