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“Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, New Living Translation).
The leaves outside my window are turning shades of burnt orange and rich red. Crisp tree branches break with every glance as their buds shrivel and disappear. My memory tells me it happens every year, and yet I always find adoration and abundance in the process. Isn’t it like our God to make something dying so beautiful?
Unlike the changing seasons, I don’t often appreciate “dying seasons” in my life. Transitions, unknowns, and unpredictable events are things I strive to avoid. From time to time, God gently places His hand on me, pruning branches, cutting off limbs that don’t bear fruit, and preparing my tree for the next season. But in these challenging times, it can be hard to focus on cultivating gratitude and joy. One thing that has helped me shift this perspective is the imagery of the harvest.
In 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, the Apostle Paul essentially told us to “Rejoice always, pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances”. God’s will for us is to find joy in praying and giving thanks at all times. What I think we tend to forget, is that these verses ask us to do these things in all circumstances, not for all circumstances.
When life is sunshine and rainbows, it’s easy to rejoice, pray, and express gratitude. God is good and so is life. Yet when times turn sorrow, thanks, and praise are the last words to escape from our lips. Saying them feels fake and bitterness swells within us. 1 Thessalonians, however, tells us to display these habits in all things. That means that we’re praising and thanking God for who He is, despite where we are. God deserves praise, thanks, and adoration regardless of our circumstances.