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When the Armor Gets Heavy
When I was twelve, I vividly remember creating the armor of God at a local Vacation Bible School. Cutting out long strips of construction paper, pouring mounds of glitter, and writing in all caps with a permanent marker, my masterpiece was complete.
As I made my way to my mom’s car, my best friend and I struggled to walk. The armor was stunning. Oozes of glue and sequins flaked with every step. I felt so strong and powerful. I mean who wouldn’t with a cardboard shield, sword, helmet, breastplate, and shield?
Yet as I continued to journey toward my mom, it seemed as if she only got further and further away. The armor served its purpose; a temporary representation of the power of God within us. But it was growing heavy. And sometimes, the armor we put up to protect ourselves later becomes useless. It once served its purpose, but it no longer holds that value.
What Armour Are You Wearing?
While the armor I wore that day was temporary, and I could easily slip it off, other forms of armor we often wear aren’t as easy to discard.
The spiritual armor of God Christians are to possess can be seen in Ephesians 6:10-20. And while it’s described as physical items we put on, the weaponry God dresses us with is invisible to the human eye.
From head to toe, God tells us to put on the helmet of salvation, the belt of truth, and the breastplate of righteousness. He then reminds us to adorn our feet with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace. With one arm, we extend a shield of faith. In the other, we thrust forth the sword of the Spirit; the eternal Word of God.
This armor is good. It’s beautiful to remind ourselves of and has such power. As the Passion Translation notes, “Stand victorious with the force of his explosive power flowing in and through you” (Ephesians 6:10b, The Passion Translation). But the beauty of the armor of God is not because of its design, or the stature it gives us. It’s because of the designer.