Peace Beyond Understanding 

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“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid” (John 14:27. NLT). A few months ago, I found myself facing a major life transition—a new job opportunity that came with a lot of uncertainty and pressure. While I knew my time teaching was up, and my time to embrace full-time Authorship was full speed ahead, I was apprehensive. Anxiety was a weight on my chest, and a multitude of thoughts consumed me. The night before I resigned, I remember tossing and turning in my bed. My mind raced with worries about whether I was making the right choice, if I could really do this, and what would happen if things didn’t work out. 

In the wee morning hours before school started, I prayed that God’s will would be done and that my words would be received well. John 14:27 resounded in my mind: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid” (ESV). 

Jesus’ words about a peace that surpasses understanding resonated deeply with me. And yet, they still felt out of reach. I surrendered my thoughts and fears to God, took a deep breath, and drove to school. I’m still convinced that I shook all day. 

By the eighth period, I was a nervous wreck. I trusted God and asked Him to fill me with His peace, but I was still anxious. When the school day had 1 hour left, I pleaded with the Lord to let His peace wash over me. About five minutes later, my boss walked in and the words tumbled out. Gradually, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. Not because the conversation was easy, or because my boss was supportive and understanding, but because I knew God was with me. This was His calling, and I had to obey. That obedience in the face of fear brought abundant joy and peace. 

While the path to Authorship since this moment hasn’t always been easy, this transition has reminded me that true peace doesn’t depend on our circumstances, but on our relationship with Jesus. A relationship that surpasses casual intimacy and exchanges it for a deep, sold-out, steadfast, and true partnership with my Lord and Savior. 

Just as Jesus promised peace to His Disciples in a time of uncertainty and impending change, He offers the same to us today. As we explore this verse, I invite you to prayerfully consider how we can embrace God’s peace even amidst life’s greatest storms and transitions. 

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