Check out the featured post and read more here: https://www.ibelieve.com/slideshows/5-strategies-for-overcoming-anxiety.html
I was knee-high in mud but getting messy has never caused me anxiety. Racing out of the woods during a tornado siren on the other hand just might. Between shallow breathing and a thousand recitations of Scripture, a million thoughts filled my mind.
Will I make it out alive?
What if I need to carry my mom? Am I strong enough?
Can we find the light at the end of the tunnel?
Is today my last day?
In between snapping tree branches and falling rain, the winds howled louder than a pack of wolves. It was the middle of the day, the hottest part, but you’d never know it. In less than an hour, the weather had gone from 90 and sunny to 70 and shady.
Mom and I had decided to go for a hike but somehow found ourselves on the opposite side of the park, 15 miles from the car. By the time we made it out of the woods, the sirens were so loud our ears were shaking. After convincing the third stranger that we were lost and needed a ride back to our car on the opposite side of the park, we finally felt safe. The storm raged on, but we were inside a vehicle and not running for our lives through the blurred lines of washed-out trails.
Back then, I didn’t know how to cope with anxiety healthily. Today, I’d like to share 5 strategies I’ve found to help calm our anxious souls. I don’t profess to be an expert or counselor, but I offer these suggestions as things I’ve found helpful over the years. Each one is practical, easy to implement, and was recommended to me by my clinical counselor.