Check out the featured post and read more here: https://www.ibelieve.com/health-beauty/when-nothing-feels-safe.html
May marks Mental Health Awareness Month and every year, I’m quickly surprised how we’re here yet again. My story of origin hasn’t changed, but it continues to grow and evolve. Everyone needs to tell their mental health story. This is mine.
I think what a lot of people are unaware of is not that mental health exists, but how to deal with it properly. Growing up in the late 90s, anxiety was common but heavily dismissed. According to a 2023 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy, people born in the 1990s have the worst mental health of any generation before them.
At first, my anxiety seemed “normal”. I was anxious about going to school, forgetting my locker combination, and taking tests. When it started interfering with my sleep and overall stability, however, I should’ve suspected something was wrong.
Pretty much everyone in my family is on medication for anxiety and depression. They’ve been that way since before I was born, and there’s no shame in seeking medical help for mental health problems. While my anxiety could be genetic, much of it is also attributed to my upbringing.
The Comments
Carolyn J Smith
Thank you for sharing your life in the deepest, and open form. It’s very hard to be open when you are an Minister of the gospel. Everyone wants you to be perfect, strong etc. Even though I was an Drug, alcohol counselor, study criminal justice etc. As I was able to decern what hurted, what was wrong with others. I wasn’t being honest with myself, because I didn’t want to be judged by the church. Now I don’t care I’m in counseling, even though I myself counselled others. Yes it’s a long journey that I must walk, but I thank God that I chose to do it. My name is Minister Carolyn Smith, and I want to thank you because it’s nice to see I’m not alone. God bless. Ladyjay0862@gmail.com
> Carolyn J SmithCarolyn,
Thank you so much for this kind comment. It’s my honor and duty to share these things. You’re absolutely right. Vulnerability is hard. But it’s worth it! I’m proud of you, and so is God. Thankful to walk this road together. God bless you!