Check out the featured post and read more here: https://www.ibelieve.com/career-calling/what-does-the-bible-mean-by-cast-your-bread-upon-the-waters.html
When I was in college, I knew pretty quickly that I desired to write full-time. Though those around me were skeptical, I felt an inner calling I couldn’t shake. Something deep within my bones; stories begging to be told; testimonies urging to be spoken.
Professor after Professor would ask me what I was majoring in. I’d state, “English Education for High School,” and they’d usually nod, leaving me with, “That’s great, but I can tell the Lord has certainly given you a gift for writing!”
Like any good college student, I went to my favorite Professor for a good heart-to-heart session. I shared my vision for becoming an Author and how much I loved writing. He was encouraging but told me to stick with education and try it out.
This Professor applauded me for my writing time and time again, but he also made me better. His critiques, edits, and revisions always improved the craft I was trying to hone. Now five years later, however, I can say that “I gave teaching a shot,” but I still desire to write full-time.
To this day, my Professor’s words still ring in my ears: “One word of caution: Few writers make a living as “full-time authors,” especially when they are young. So don’t overwhelm yourself with debt. That said, the Lord provides and can open serendipitous doors. Cast your bread upon the waters.”