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Worship is more than the air we breathe and the songs we sing. It’s the act of living life in a way that brings ultimate glory and honor to our King.

As a worship leader, I have experience leading at Kingston United Methodist Church from the ages of 12-23. In 2020, I made the move to attend Frontline Church of God where I have been helping lead ever since. I sing various parts and occasionally practice piano or guitar in my free time.

Feel free to check out my YouTube: Amber Ginter (a11123rd) for more videos and the latest praise and worship:

I formerly led Movements from the Heart at Ohio Christian University, and Aisthitikós Joy Ministries, traveling ministry teams that used the arts of dance, singing, and signing to proclaim the Gospel. Today, Ben and I still seek to present these gifts as we are able.

Sample team that performed. This picture is from 2019; Movements from the Heart: Amber’s first ministry team before she branched off into AJM.
Amber and Ben perform “Let the Light In” and “Cover the Earth”.
Frontline Church of God Worship April 2020.