Amber Ginter

2023 Update

Sweet friends,

Thank you for following my journey in this adventure. I am in my second year of the Author Conservatory and things are going well. Over the last two years, I have successfully learned the skills to run a pet business (Ginter’s Pet Services), which have helped prepare me for marketing and selling books. I’ve also written dozens of Mental Health focused articles, read challenging works of Literature (Fiction and Non-Fiction), completed extensive research and training in the field of Mental Health and Faith, and more. All while teaching full-time!

It’s my prayer that this coming year (2023-2024) I will be writing and pitching my book to agents and publishers. Please pray for me in this journey as I navigate switching to writing full-time. As always, may God receive all the glory and you be pointed to His joy, peace, presence, and love.

Agape, Amber

August 2021 update:

Hi, friends! Amber here to share an exciting update with you regarding publishing, my writing career, and my future.

I wanted to thank everyone who has supported my writing journey thus far. As many know, I’ve felt the call to write full-time since I was 14, but am currently teaching because no one becomes an author overnight and we all have bills to pay and lives to live. With that being said, I have mentioned publishing a memoir on many social media platforms including articles and the radio. That was my plan. However, God has really been moving and opening doors. He’s awesome at changing plans.

This July, I was given the opportunity to join the YWW Author Program with founder Brett Harris. Brett and his brother Alex became authors at 18, and Brett now works with fellow authors to create successful and long-lasting authors (such as Sara Barratt, Kara Swanson, and Jaquelle Harris). Their concept is a paradigm shift from what I have been doing- focusing on publishing being the end goal- and instead, maintaining excellence in both the craft and marketing of writing.

Although I will still be teaching, this three-year program will help me to not only develop my skills as an author entrepreneur but eventually be able to write full-time and make a living like that. So, while my memoir will not be heading to publishers through the offers I was given, I feel this is the best step. As my Pastor noted, you can write one book, or set yourself up for a lifetime of writing. I truly believe I am called by God to write and I am going to do anything I can to pursue that dream.

I recognize it will not be easy. I also recognize many of you may be disappointed that my book is not coming out right now or feel I have been dishonest. I promise that neither has been my intention. I am doing my best to follow what I feel God says is right for me at this time. The Lord may have changed the plans I had for myself, but I believe He is always right on time (perhaps I should say write ).😉

During this season, I will still be writing and posting on my blog,, and freelancing. Many of the topics from my memoir will still be used for the new books I will be writing in this program. I will also be attempting some fundraisers to help pay for this program (writing education isn’t cheap) and would love any support (I will keep everyone posted- thinking about selling pumpkin rolls currently). It is not an accredited Master’s Program, but the level of quality is still an excellent education that will help me to grow and get where I want to be. If you’re interested in supporting me or following me on this journey, I’d be happy to say more and have your prayers. Feel free to comment or message me privately at any time.

Never in my life did I think I would be slowing down my writing career per se. However, I know that by slowing down and building a framework from the bottom up instead of just focusing on publishing as fast as possible as the end goal, I will be much more effective long term. Anyone who knows me knows that I am a busy person that likes to be go-go-go all the time. This will be a major stretch for me to do more by doing less, but I know the Lord will bless any efforts that I am willing to give. As Brett has told me and his organization YWW/The Rebelution notes, we must be willing to do hard things if we want to grow. 

It’s my prayer that those reading this will understand and join me in this journey. Thank you all for the constant love, encouragement, and support. Lord, have your will.

Agape, Amber

I’m on Amazon as a featured author! Check it out here!