How to Obey God When We Don’t Know the Plan

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I don’t know about you, but I love a good plan. Whether I’m planning a vacation, my to-do list for the day, or a day out with my husband, I find joy in listing the activities, assignments, and agendas for that day. When I’m unable to know the plan or make one, however, I tend to get a bit stressed. 

Growing up in a Christian home, I’m blessed that getting saved and believing in Jesus was always part of the plan. I know this isn’t the case for many individuals growing up, and they must forge and find their own path to faith. Jesus is still calling them like He called me, but it looks different. 

For me, however, my parents and grandparents prayed for me every day. Though it was my choice to accept Jesus, I’m thankful He was introduced in my life from an early age. Church, reading the Bible, and trusting the Lord were things I saw displayed daily. 

After I got saved, I thought I’d always know what Jesus wanted me to do and when to do it. Somewhere along my path to faith, I’d misinterpreted one small, but important part of the Gospel: Being a Christian didn’t mean I’d have it easy or never face trials. It also didn’t mean I would never face fear. But it did mean that I would have Jesus in both tragedy and triumph, and fear and courage. 

Following the Lord when you know the next step is pretty easy. Like Jonah, we hear His call, and then have a choice to obey or run away. But following the Lord when the steps before you look like question marks is a little more challenging. And might I even say anxiety inducing. Following the Lord when the steps are being formed as you walk takes a radical faith and relentless trust. So how do we obey God when we don’t know the plan? 

Here’s 2 practical steps:

1. We trust in what we do have. 

2. We obey in the face of fear and unknowns. 

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