3 Tips for Beating Seasonal Depression

Check out the featured post and read more here: https://www.ibelieve.com/health-beauty/3-tips-for-beating-seasonal-depression.html

I remember the first time I ever saw depression. I was ten years old and it was a beautiful Saturday morning. As the sun peeked through the shades, I opened my parents’ bedroom door and jumped on their bed. With endless giggles, I was ready for the day—Until I saw the look in my mom’s eyes.

Dark and rimmed with mascara, the smudges showed she’d been crying. When I asked her what was wrong, she used her strength to force a smile. “Nothing is wrong my sweet girl,” she started. “I just don’t feel like getting out of bed.”

“But it’s beautiful outside,” I started. “It’s,” she replied. “I’m just sad. And sometimes sadness makes you want to stay inside and hide. You won’t understand it now, but someday you might. I pray you won’t.”

Seventeen years later, I find myself fighting the same desire to stay in bed most days. The look in my eyes matches my mom’s. I’m not wearing mascara tear stains, but the bags under my eyes prove just the same.

Anxiety and depression have been two battles I’ve fought since young adulthood. While I still suffer greatly, I’ve found three things that help me beat that time of the year when everyone struggles to stay cheerful. With darker and longer nights, it’s easy to want to stay inside. Here are three tips to help you beat seasonal depression.

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