Check out the featured post and read more here:
Morning Devotional: https://blogs.crossmap.com/stories/when-youre-stuck-in-sin-AdnvReLgFyzeD3U7LursF
Evening Devotional: https://blogs.crossmap.com/stories/when-youre-stuck-in-sin—a-nighttime-prayer-7mXf2A4H2-AkVN3AzIgxh
“If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them” –James 4:17 (NIV)
Seven years. That’s the length of time I wrestled with an eating disorder and addiction to exercise. Everything within me knew it was wrong, yet my flesh clung to what it thought was control.
During those seven years, I was a person I’m not proud of. I hurt God and those around me–everyone I loved and cared about. Looking back, I wish I could take those years back. I wish I could take back the damage I did to my body and those who got wounded during the calamity. I prayed and asked God for help, but felt helpless. I knew what I needed to do—ask for help— instead, I avoided confession.
Until the day God broke my foot. Landing a double pirouette incorrectly, my body crumpled to the ground. A quick visit to the ER resulted in 4-6 months of recovery. It took me a month to grapple with this reality, and weeks to stop blaming God. I’ll never forget our dialogue:
“Why would you do this to me?” I asked the Lord.
“You know why,” He responded.