two hands of people laying on flowery meadow stretched out to sky

Do You Cry Out to God?

two hands of people laying on flowery meadow stretched out to sky
Photo by Svetlana???? on

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With every passing second, tree branches snapped and fell. My mom and I were racing through the woods at lightning speed, but can you truly outrun a tornado? The sky was dark. Flooded trails blurred into one colossal mess of a mudslide. Two thoughts filled my mind: Death and Life. 

Isaiah 26:3 illuminated my spirit. Grasping my mom’s hand, I recited the verse half a thousand times: “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You because he trusts in You” (NKJV). But after 20 miles of hiking, we realized we were lost. 

We prayed, cried, and asked God to show us the way. His answer wasn’t immediate or audible. And though we ended up in the parking lot on the opposite side of the park, God’s grace helped us make it out of that forest that day. Alive. This scenario happened over 5 years ago now, but I’ve never forgotten it. Because I believe God wanted me to remember one thing:

Even when we’re in the middle of chaos, God wants us to cry out to Him. And the real question is, will you?

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