Check out the featured post and read more here: https://www.ibelieve.com/christian-living/when-jesus-only-gives-us-a-piece-of-the-story.html
“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it the people of old received their commendation. By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible” (Hebrews 11:1-3, ESV).
When I was little, my mom used to tell me that someday I’d meet my Prince Charming, but I’d have to be patient and wait on the Lord. While it was painful patience at times, her words were true. I believed that God had someone in store, but it was challenging to do that in faith and not sight.
Ben and I met most unconventionally. I needed someone to go on a mission trip with me and he agreed. I didn’t know it then, but God was just beginning our story.
By the time we started dating and got serious, I could see part of the picture, but I often lost hope. We dated for 5 years and had many highs and lows. In July 2024 I married Him. It’d taken time, but I saw God’s faithfulness in what I’d waited for. It e
xceeded my expectations.
Most times in life, we have to trust what we can see and beyond. I believe Jesus’ words in Mark 8:1-21 explain this best.
When Jesus Calls Us Beyond Sight
In Mark 8
, the Disciples had 7 loaves and a few fish. Jesus was used to crowds following Him, but it had been days and the people were hungry. Worried that they might collapse if He sent them home, Jesus decided to feed the people. The Disciples were doubtful and confused. All they had were a few fish and 7 loaves of bread. How in the world could Jesus use that to feed the people? Especially a group of over 4,000+ women and children. Might we say they were nervous when Jesus asked them how many loaves they had (vs.5), told the people to sit down, blessed the bread, broke it, blessed the fish, and then gave it and the loaves to the Disciples to distribute to the people (vs.6-7)? If you wouldn’t have been anxious, I know I would’ve. That’s just my humanity.