Check out the featured post and read more here: https://www.ibelieve.com/faith/its-okay-to-wrestle-with-your-faith.html
“Man comes closer to God through the questions he asks Him, he liked to say. Therein lies true dialogue. Man asks and God replies. But we don’t understand His replies. We cannot understand them. Because they dwell in the depths of our souls and remain there until we die. The real answers, Eliezer, you will find only within yourself .”And why do you pray, Moishe?” I asked him. “I pray to the God within me for the strength to ask Him the real questions.” (Night, Elie Wiesel, Section 1).
Man comes closer to God through the questions he asks Him. I’ve been thinking about that statement a lot.
Every year I’m blessed with the opportunity to teach Elie Wiesel’s compelling memoir, Night. In a horrific but true account of the Holocaust, readers experience a bone-chilling story of faith, resilience, strength, and war. They feel what the New York Times calls a “slim volume of terrifying power.”
This is my fifth time reading and teaching it, and it truly never gets old. It’s as if the story breathes new lungs every time I lecture on it, and something profound stands out. What a blessing to teach such a compelling story of faith and religion within the walls of a public school. This year, I’ve been deeply impacted by Elie’s wrestling of faith in harsh conditions. Perhaps because I’m wrestling my own.